Add your news on your home page

By : Benoit - Categories : Tutorials

For the purposes of your boutiques, and/or SEO, you may need to display information from the blog on your home page or elsewhere in one of your tpl files.Then this tool is made for you.

If you wish to use this feature, it first needs to be enabled. Click on the « create a list » button. You can then decide what information you want to display, you have the possibility to indicate a specific time-window, if for example, you want to promote a certain category on your blog for a marketing operation… For Hook, you can choose 3 different methods,

- The first, DisplayHome, will display your list on your home page,
- The second DisplayCystomHook will allow you to embed code directly into one of the tpl files in your boutique template, allowing you to display a list (which you will need to create beforehand) (e.g.: {hook h = ‘displayPrestaBlogList’ id = ‘2’ mod = ‘prestablog’} inside product.tpl)
- As for the 3rd, it allows you to add a statistics insert on your blog’s admin homepage. (Latest article with the most or fewest comments, the most or least read). Very handy for seeing your blog stats at a glance.

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